The Foundation is pleased to provide residency support to Nicholas Rivers, who will spend time at Santa Fe Art Institute in 2017 to develop new work.
Mr. Rivers’ artwork moves between the universal and the specific and reflects a search for experience, possibility, and meaning. The artist writes, “I see myself as a construction worker who has chosen to challenge his own buildings. Within the frame of masculinity and the body, I dream of love, creation, decay, and violence. I question why one should build anything at all. Yet, somewhere between the universal and the specific lay a reconciliation of the sacred; that sinuous tether which binds all people as one.”
(Excerpt and images below selected from grant proposal. All works are copyright of the artist.)
“5 Day Fast” MCAD, Mia, and Children’s Theatre Lawn, Minneapolis, MN, 2016 “In Balance Door’ “Broken Loop”