Sarah Rara works with video, film, photography, and performance and is a contributing member of the band Lucky Dragons. A direct artist grant from the foundation will assist the artist's development of a new body of work entitled “The Pollinators,” which focuses on...
Cindy Bernard and Foundation for Artists Resources
Harpo was pleased to support Cindy Bernard's project, The Inquisitive Musician, an adaptation of a 17th century satire attributed to Johann Kuhnau, Bach's predecessor as cantor of Leipzig, Germany. The satire pits itinerant "beer fiddlers" against the official city...
Kianga K. Ford and the Contemporary Museum
For her exhibition at the Contemporary Museum in Baltimore, Kianga Ford created a new audio walking tour called Charm City Remix. Charm City Remix is part of a series of site-specific narratives created by Ford that offer portable audio soundtracks to guide listeners...
Phil Collins and Carnegie Museum of Art
Phil Collins presented, The World Won't Listen, from March 31, 2007 - July 2, 2007 at the Carnegie Museum of Art. Filmed on location in Bogota, Colombia, in 2004, and in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2005, this piece offers a series of tragicomic portraits of fans performing...