The Foundation is pleased to provide residency support to James Angello, who will spend time at the Vermont Studio Center in 2015 to develop new work. Mr. Angello uses collage as a point of departure, explaining, "I collect, alter, fabricate and assemble objects. I...
Rachel Mulvihill
The Foundation is pleased to provide residency support to Rachel Mulvihill, who will spend time at the Vermont Studio Center in 2015 to develop new work. As an Unangan Aleut-Swedish-Irish American who grew up in Fairbanks, Alaska, Rachel Mulvihill's painting is...
Markus Kåhre & Liverpool Biennial
Harpo funding will be used to support a new commission by Markus Kåhre for the Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art. Kåhre will transform the first floor of a 1746 public house into a site-specific installation that will reference the communal linguistic root of...
R.H. Quaytman and ICA Boston
R.H Quaytman Presented by the Institute of Contemporary Art Boston (ICA) November 18, 2009 - March 28, 2010 Harpo funding helped support the first solo museum presentation of R.H. Quaytman, a Boston-born/New York-based painter, who...
Juan Carlos Macias and National Museum of Mexican Art
MILAGROS Y SANTOS DE TODOS LOS DIOS Juan Carlos Macias National Museum of Mexican Art October 19, 2008 - January 9, 2009
Trisha Donnelly and Institute of Contemporary Art
For her 2008 solo exhibition at Philadelphia's Institute of Contemporary Art, Trisha Donnelly included twenty-four artworks made between 1998 and 2007. The works on display, which included sculpture, drawing, photographs, text, sound, video, and painting, were closely...