photography Posts
Annesofie Sandal

Annesofie Sandal

The Foundation is pleased to provide residency support to Annesofie Sandal, who will spend time at Santa Fe Art Institute in 2016 to develop new work. Ms. Sandal's art work explores the space where the personal and private sphere merges with the public and collective....

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Shadi Harouni

Shadi Harouni

Shadi Harouni follows the absurd and surreal ways in which form and experience are manipulated in politics. The artist's experience of post-war/revolution Iran (as an Iranian and a Kurdish Jew) and the Islamic Republic’s uncertain relationship to music, fashion,...

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Carolina Caycedo

Carolina Caycedo

Carolina Caycedo’s art practice moves beyond the bounds of the studio, gallery and institution and extends into the realm of the social, where she explores systems of movement and exchange, and processes of assimilation and resistance. With her work, the artist seeks...

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Karyn Olivier

Karyn Olivier

Through the discrete placement, rearrangement, embellishment, and replication of everyday objects in various sites, Karyn Olivier tries to shift our experience of the familiar. Ms. Olivier writes, “This manipulation reveals the malleable and unfixed nature of objects...

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Neil Goldberg

Neil Goldberg

For the past twenty years, Neil Goldberg has been making video, photographic and sculptural work that documents the cadences of everyday experience and the dynamics of mortality. Harpo Foundation is pleased to provide Mr. Goldberg with a direct artist grant to assist...

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Tiffiney Yazzie

Tiffiney Yazzie

Tiffiney Yazzie grew up in Chinle, Arizona on the Navajo Reservation. She is from the Yucca Fruit-Strung-Out-In-A-Line Clan and is born for the Salt People Clan. She recently received her BFA in Photography and BA in Art History from the Herberger Institute for Design...

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Emma Wilcox and The Print Center

Emma Wilcox and The Print Center

Emma Wilcox will use Harpo support for Where it Falls, a residency, exhibition and publication project at The Print Center that will expand on the artist's roof-top interjections of large-scale, text-based work. These interjections reach unexpected viewers on Google...

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