intervention Posts
Zoe Sheehan Saldana

Zoe Sheehan Saldana

Zoe Sheehan Saldana fabricates functional, handmade, faithful duplicates of mass-produced objects. She then releases her creations into environments where they risk going unnoticed. The artist writes, "I hope that the objects and experiences I create provoke...

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Emma Wilcox and The Print Center

Emma Wilcox and The Print Center

Emma Wilcox will use Harpo support for Where it Falls, a residency, exhibition and publication project at The Print Center that will expand on the artist's roof-top interjections of large-scale, text-based work. These interjections reach unexpected viewers on Google...

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Swoon and The Transformazium

Swoon and The Transformazium

Harpo Foundation is pleased to support The Transformazium, an art installation and participatory community space in a once-abandoned church building in Braddock, Pennsylvania. Its purpose is to value and activate local relationships, ideas and resources in a...

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