reclaimed materials Posts
Annesofie Sandal

Annesofie Sandal

The Foundation is pleased to provide residency support to Annesofie Sandal, who will spend time at Santa Fe Art Institute in 2016 to develop new work. Ms. Sandal's art work explores the space where the personal and private sphere merges with the public and collective....

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Kristin Cammermeyer

Kristin Cammermeyer

Kristin Cammermeyer develops site-specific installations in varied locations and contexts.  A recent transplant to Los Angeles, she will use the direct artist grant from Harpo to familiarize her self with the city by procuring contiguous sites of production throughout...

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Jack O’Hearn

Jack O’Hearn

Jack O’Hearn is interested in material objects and their affect on one’s memory and imagination. He writes, “my work is inspired by my fascination with history, extreme poverty, childhood fantasies, & tales of life beyond the periphery. These subjects share a common...

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Nick Carter

Nick Carter

Nick Carter spent one month at the Santa Fe Art Institute in March 2014 developing new work for "Temporary Autonomous Moan." Nick Carter was born in Philadelphia and is a graduate of Brown University.

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